

Disinformation Pandemic

European Commission Representation in Poland

How to expose fake news? Why do we believe in them? What is the risk of COVID-19 misinformation?  To show how the mechanisms of creating fake news work and what to pay attention to, to distinguish pseudoscientific information from reliable information, the Representation of the European Commission in Poland organized the Civic Dialogue online with the participation of experts:

• virologist Dr. Tomasz Dzieiątkowski from the Medical University of Warsaw;

• sociologist Dr. Tomasz Sobierajski from the University of Warsaw;

• Piotr Świtalski from the European Commission Representation in Poland;

• Aleksandra and Piotr Stanisławski, journalists running the blog “Crazy Science”

The project was carried out on behalf of and in cooperation with BJ Studio agency.


Scope of services:

    • Preparation of graphic and informational materials
    • Development of a social media communication strategy, including preparation of graphics and texts for promotional posts, implementation of a social media advertising campaign
    • Live broadcasting on the YouTube and Facebook channels  of the European Commission in Poland
    • Providing an event moderator
    • Cooperation with experts participating in the event
    • Chat moderation
Pandemia dezinformacji


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