KOKORO 15th anniversary – Otanjoubi omedetou!
KOKORO Tastes of Japan
KOKORO Tastes of Japan is one of the leading importers of original Japanese products to Poland. In 2021, the company celebrated its 15th anniversary.
On this occasion, Lemon Spot has prepared an information and promotion campaign addressed to individual and business customers. The main communication anchor was the company’s 15th anniversary. The aim of the campaign was to refresh the brand image, emphasize the experience of KOKORO and the uniqueness of the offered products, and to show the company’s wide range of products.
Scope of services:
- Development of the information and promotion campaign’s concept that included activities in the field of social media and B2B
- Opracowanie we współpracy z grafikiem logo Development of the 15th anniversary’s logo in cooperation with a graphic designer
- Development of concepts, texts and layout for new sections on the website – “Tea Mail” and “Connoisseur’s club
- Development of a social media competition addressed to individual clients
- Preparation of a series of special social media graphics-posts for presenting the “DNA” of the KOKORO brand
- Development the content and graphics of the business customers’ letter to thank for the cooperation so far
- Development of the content and graphics for the individual customers’ card with thanks for shopping in the KOKORO online store
![Kokoro 15-te urodziny](
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European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland
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European Commission Representation in Poland
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European Commission Representation in Poland
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European Commission Representation in Poland
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European Commission Representation in Poland
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European Commission Representation in Poland
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European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland
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COVID-19 vaccine. Facts and only facts!
European Commission Representation in Poland
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Strengthening the image of KOKORO Tastes of Japan brand
KOKORO Tastes of Japan
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European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland
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American Impressions
Enterprise Investors
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European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland
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European Commission Representation in Poland
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Garden of Arts- family picnic
Black&White Agency
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The Europe Day 2019
European Commission Representation in Poland
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Enterprise Investors
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Citizens’ Dialogue on the Future of Europe
European Commission Representation in Poland
Supporting the European Commission Representation in Poland in realisation of the Citizens’ Dialogue on the…
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Welcome to Asia – company event
Enterprise Investors
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Lost Treasure Hunters – family picnic
Enterprise Investors
Organisation and coordination of a family company picnic organised around the theme of archaeological discoveries…
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Survival – exhibition
European Commission Representation in Poland
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Economic interest and Protection of Human Rights debate
European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland
Supporting the European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland in implementation of information campaign related to…
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Taste and Flavour Gala – company event
Enterprise Investors
Organisation of a company event focused on discovering tastes and flavours. Guided by an expert,…
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Let’s Invest in Health! Investment Plan for Europe – Citizens’ Dialogue
European Commission Representation in Poland
Organisation and coordination of a Citizens' Dialogue with participation of EU Commissioner for Health and…
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Wonderland – family picnic
Black&White Agency
Company event for employees and their families, realised in cooperation with Black&White agency. After passing…
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Mundial in Russia – family picnic
Enterprise Investors
Organisation and coordination of family company picnic with “Mundial in Russia” key theme. Scope of…
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Inauguration of the World Centre for Prayer for Peace
Organising and coordinating the opening ceremony of the World Centre for Prayer for Peace in…
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CePT – a Platform for Development of Innovative Medicine
The Centre of Preclinical Research and Technology CePT
Developing a concept and realisation of a conference on development of innovative biomedicine for the…
See more![](149, 149, Happening uliczny Dzień Europy - 9 maja, 9-2.jpg, 409984,,, Happening uliczny Dzień Europy - 9 maja - Lemon Spot, 1, Happening uliczny, , 9-3, inherit, 62, 2018-11-19 10:47:41, 2019-01-14 15:00:28, 0, image/jpeg, image, jpeg,, 1800, 1200, Array)
Happening – Europe Day, May, 9th
European Commission Representation in Poland
Organisation and promotion of a street happening event at the front of the European Commission…
See more![](143, 143, Piknik europejski Miasteczko Schumana, 3-1.jpg, 708411,,, Piknik europejski Miasteczko Schumana - Lemon Spot, 1, Piknik europejski, , 3-2, inherit, 60, 2018-11-19 10:45:59, 2019-01-14 15:02:26, 0, image/jpeg, image, jpeg,, 4128, 2322, Array)
The Europe Day 2018
European Commission Representation in Poland
Organisation and promotion of European Commission Representation in Poland’s presence in the European Village organised…
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Exhibition “They Defend Our Freedoms”
European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland
Supporting the European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland in preparing a photo exhibition “They Defend…
See more- Lemon Spot Sp. z o.o.
- ul. Przasnyska 6a/351
- 01-756 Warszawa
- NIP: 527-281-31-80