

Treasures of the Adriatic

Enterprise Investors

A company meeting where we…

Dary Adriatyku

National Debate on the future of Europe

European Comission Representation in Poland / KPRM

On 17 November 2021, the…

Krajowa debata o przyszłości Europy

Influencers for Earth

European Comission Representation in Poland

European Commission Representation in Poland,…


KOKORO 15th anniversary – Otanjoubi omedetou!

KOKORO Tastes of Japan

KOKORO Tastes of Japan is…

Kokoro 15-te urodziny

The Young Voice of Europe

European Commission Representation in Poland

On May 9, 2021, on…

Konferencja w sprawie przyszłości Europy CoFE

Disinformation Pandemic

European Commission Representation in Poland

How to expose fake news?…

Pandemia dezinformacji

Belarus: freedom march – photo exhibition

European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland

Every year, in December, the…

Białoruś: marsz wolności

Democracy and Civil Rights in the Pandemic

European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland

The aim of the debate…

BKPE - Lemon Spot

In a Year in Europe – a series of essays by internet authors

European Commission Representation in Poland

The series of essays "In…

Za rok w Europie


European Commission Representation in Poland

Lemon Spot has produced a…

Euronewsy dla KE

#smallsteps – a reporter’s column from the pandemic time

European Commission Representation in Poland

#smallsteps is an online information…


COVID-19 vaccine. Facts and only facts!

European Commission Representation in Poland

In order to prevent disinformation,…

Szczepionka przeciwko COVID-19

Panel discussion “Women in legal professions. Chances and challenges”

European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland

Discussion on the occasion of…

Panel dyskusyjny - Lemon Spot

American Impressions

Enterprise Investors

The company's 30th birthday and…

Amerykańskie impresje Lemon Spot

Debate “Earth at a Crossroads. Climate Change and Human Rights”

European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland

Supporting the European Parliament Liaison…

Debata dla Parlamentu Europejskiego Biuro w Polsce

European Comission at Summer Music Festivals

European Commission Representation in Poland

Organisation of European Commission's (EC)…

Letnie festiwale - Lemon Spot

Strengthening the image of KOKORO Tastes of Japan brand

KOKORO Tastes of Japan

The aim of the project…

Kokoro - Lemon Spot

Garden of Arts- family picnic

Black&White Agency

Company event for employees and…

Ogród Sztuki - Lemon Spot

The Europe Day 2019

European Commission Representation in Poland

Organisation and promotion of European…

Piknik europejski

Theater-culinary Teppanyaki show

Enterprise Investors

Enterprise Investors has invited its…


Citizens’ Dialogue on the Future of Europe

European Commission Representation in Poland

Supporting the European Commission Representation…

Dialog Obywatelski o przyszłości Europy - Lemon Spot

Exhibition “They Defend Our Freedoms”

European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland

Supporting the European Parliament Liaison…

Obrońcy naszych swobód - Lemon Spot

The Europe Day 2018

European Commission Representation in Poland

Organisation and promotion of European…

Piknik europejski Miasteczko Schumana - Lemon Spot

Happening – Europe Day, May, 9th

European Commission Representation in Poland

Organisation and promotion of a…

Happening uliczny Dzień Europy - 9 maja - Lemon Spot

CePT – a Platform for Development of Innovative Medicine

The Centre of Preclinical Research and Technology CePT

Developing a concept and realisation…

Konferencja CePT - Platrofmą Rozwoju Innowacyjnej Medycyny - Lemon Spot

Inauguration of the World Centre for Prayer for Peace


Organising and coordinating the opening…

Inauguracja Światowego Centrum Modlitwy o Pokój - Lemon Spot

Mundial in Russia – family picnic

Enterprise Investors

Organisation and coordination of family…

Mundial w Rosji - Lemon Spot

Wonderland – family picnic

Black&White Agency

Company event for employees and…

W Krainie Czarów - Lemon Spot

Let’s Invest in Health! Investment Plan for Europe – Citizens’ Dialogue

European Commission Representation in Poland

Organisation and coordination of a…

Inwestujmy w zdrowie! Plan Inwestycyjny dla Europy - Lemon Spot

Taste and Flavour Gala – company event

Enterprise Investors

Organisation of a company event…

Gala smaków i zapachów - Lemon Spot

Economic interest and Protection of Human Rights debate

European Parliament Liaison Office in Poland

Supporting the European Parliament Liaison…

Interesy ekonomiczne a ochrona praw człowieka - Lemon Spot

Survival – exhibition

European Commission Representation in Poland

Developing and production of a…

Przetrwanie - Lemon Spot

Lost Treasure Hunters – family picnic

Enterprise Investors

Organisation and coordination of a…

Poszukiwacze zaginionych skarbów - Lemon Spot

Welcome to Asia – company event

Enterprise Investors

Organising and coordinating a carnival…

Witamy w Azji - Lemon Spot